Achievements That Should Be Recognized With Custom Awards

According to Globoforce, 68% of HR professionals agreed that employee recognition has a positive impact on retention and 56% said such programs also help with recruitment. Recognizing achievements is important for many different types of organizations and businesses. When people feel that their efforts are being recognized and appreciated, it helps to build loyalty and increases their motivation to continue contributing at their very best to your organization. Let's learn more about customized awards.

Receiving an award is very different from simply being offered a compliment or congratulations. It's even different from saying thank you. An award is a physical manifestation that someone put in special effort and that the effort is seen, appreciated, and valuable. Awards have a big emotional impact on the people receiving them and can be a great way to build loyalty and cooperation in an organization. There are many different scenarios in which a customized award would be appropriate. Let's look at a few common reasons to give customized awards.

Academic Achievements

Schools and colleges can use customized awards to recognize academic achievements. This is a very powerful way to motivate students and remind them that their hard work is paying off. Academic achievements are sometimes not as widely celebrated as other types of achievements, but they are just as important, if not more important. Use customized awards to show students how proud you are of their hard work.

Athletic Achievements

Awards and trophies are often used for athletic achievement and for good reason. Athletics are usually competitive in nature, and having awards and trophies to show victories is important to most athletes.

Business Achievements

In a work environment, it's important to take steps to keep morale high. Performing job tasks day in and day out can get monotonous. It's important for members of a business team or workplace to occasionally see that their efforts are really making a difference and someone is paying attention. You can use customized awards to accomplish this. Awards of this nature help keep employees motivated and feeling a sense of fulfillment at work.

Personal Recognition

There are also lots of scenarios in which personal recognition deserves an award. These can be for individuals in your church, school, family, or any organization that you feel deserves to be recognized for their efforts or achievements.

If you are looking for customized awards or trophies, please contact us today at Specialty Engraving Company, Inc. We are here for your custom award needs.